




願 溫如玉  不多言  不講理

願 盡人事  聽天命  得運轉

願 得享福貴  得安貧挫

願 安飲淡水  足嗜粗食

願 不卑不亢  不驕以自恃

願 得友多方  尊卑貴賤  得我知己

願 柔軟以視  鋒芒盡收  見得真相

願 腹滿經綸  求知若渴  虛懷若谷

願 得以納言  得以理心  不以苟同

願 心之所向  隨心所欲  謹言以慎行

願 狂喜 狂悲  過狂喜  過狂悲

願 情深義重  掌不重握

願 失友  仍得信 友誼

願 失情  仍得信  愛情

願 失敗  仍得信  成功

願 得見一切喜怒哀樂  仍得熱忱以樂

願我 知我  懂我  納我  等我  隨遇而安

願 悟  無常即恆常  無黑也無白

願 吃飽 喝足  喜樂於日安


:安說  他畫的是大象  據說  只有童心的人才看得出!



Be Blessed!
Gentle as Jade. Less in word, none in reason.
Be Blessed!
Do the utmost, submit to Lord, and get it turned.
Be Blessed!
Enjoy all the best, and yet be quiet in all the worst.
Be Blessed!
Gulp water in plain ; devour in feast.
Be Blessed!
As proud as modest ; take no pride in me.
Be Blessed!
Welcome all the friends, all walks of life,
and get one bosom.
Be Blessed!
Watch with tender, hold all my power, and look into truth.
Be Blessed!
Get to read, get to think .Stay hungry, stay foolish.
Be Blessed!
I listen, I understand and yet I get to disagree and agree.
Be Blessed!
Follow my heart, with all my intention,
in moderate words and deeds.
Be Blessed!
I laugh, I cry; then come to a calm in laughter and tears.
Be Blessed!
All the love and righteousness come to me,
still, they are free.
Be Blessed !
Lose one, my dear friend, and I believe in friendship again.
Be Blessed!
Lost in love, my once beloved, and I believe in love again.
Be Blessed!
Fail in tumble, I get to believe the coming of another victory.
Be Blessed!
With all the joy and sorrow, then I see my true trust in life.
Be Blessed!
I, know me, understand me, accept me and wait for me!
All in ease.
Be Blessed!
Then I know! Consistency is inconsistency! Black is white.
Be Blessed!
Full as I am, content as I am, and I am here,
in all the moments in life.
Drawn by Ivan. Said he, it’s the elephant.
And only those to be children get to witness one.






    創作者 花落 的頭像


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